Monday, August 4, 2014

New Moms

I think the human body is a remarkable structure and yet a woman's body is exceptional and continues to inspire awe.  It is beyond incredible the strength and adaptation, growth and flexibility.  It is that which drew me to a career with pregnant women.

The constant changes and that strength is what inspires me to honour this very special time in a woman's life.   Reflexology is a powerful tool, providing numerous benefits throughout pregnancy.  A reflexology session is an excellent reason and excuse to relax while enhancing the health of you and your baby. 

In the postpartum period reflexology is a restoring and balancing therapy that is also wonderfully pampering.  As new mothers we often put others before us.  Reflexology gives you the opportunity to put on your own oxygen mask so you can care for others.  To learn more about reflexology during this amazing time of your life or pregnancy and birth support visit 

Let's celebrate how powerful, beautiful and truly amazing we are.  “The beauty of my body is not measured by the size of the clothes it can fit into, but by the stories that it tells. I have a belly and hips that say, “We grew a child in here,” and breasts that say, “We nourished life.”
-Sarah, from I am Beautiful: A Celebration of Women in Their Own Words

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