Monday, July 28, 2014

What is a doula?

What is a doula and why do I need one?

A doula brings her knowledge of childbirth and supports both the labouring mom and her partner through this miraculous moment.  It should be a wonderful experience, after all it is your baby’s first birth day and journey into world, it is the birth of a family, it is a day you will relive over and over again, and therefore it is crucial you feel comfortable with every member of your support team.

A doula helps by spending time with you prenatally to determine where your strengths and weakness lie.  She helps magnify those strengths and overcome the weaknesses.  She can help put purpose to each change you are experiencing and be a source of knowledge to call upon when you or your partner are unsure.  A doula is an emotional, physical and knowledgeable care provider who provides support to you and your birth partner prenatally, throughout the birth and in the initial postpartum periodShe is a continuous and familiar presence there to support you in whatever decision you make.

Documented benefits include
Prenatally – better prepared, informed, supported, less inductions
Birth – shorter labours, less interventions (epidurals, narcotics, cesarean sections, vacuum/forceps deliveries)
Postpartum – less Postpartum depression, easier time breastfeeding, and prolonged breastfeeding (bringing numerous health benefits to both mom and baby), healthier babies, more confidence as parent, better bonding, more time spent with babies, feel partners more supportive, feel better about coping during birth.

Many things are done to both mom and baby because they are routine, however research does not always support that they are safe practices.  A doula helps her clients gain solid perspectives so they can therefore give informed consent.  Parental responsibility begins from the moment of conception.  Every woman and her baby are unique and a one-size fits all approach should not be used.  By having a doula at your birth both partners feel in control, and empowered.  When you participate in all decisions regarding your care you will feel better about your birth regardless of the outcome and more confident in your parenting abilities.  A doula is hired by you and works for you.  She is a source of knowledge both prenatally, during the birth and in the postpartum period, and a bug in your ear, helping you advocate for you and your new family.

When the body is relaxed labour will be faster and more comfortable.  The comfort measures your doula will teach you are not labour specific; they are important techniques for everyday use.  Having a doula at your birth takes pressure of both partners so they can participate without having to over think things, she is there to take care of both partner’s, reminding mom when to change positions, empty her bladder and feed the birth partner.  She has no other role therefore she is strictly devoted to you, a calm and supportive presence.

To learn more please contact:

Michelle Haché
Birth Beginnings

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