Thursday, July 31, 2014

Reflexology to aid onset of Labour

Reflexology can help aid the onset of labour. In Ontario we have a medical induction rate of 31% and research shows induction increases the risk of cesarean birth and further intervention. Reflexology relaxes the pregnant woman which aids in the release of the essential hormones that bring on labour. It also helps reduce anxiety and pain which can hold back labour.

Studies show women who receive regular reflexology have better pregnancies, with shorter labours and less intervention.

A postdate reflexology session is designed to prepare the body physically and hormonally for labour. It stimulates oxytocin release which is the hormone that causes contractions. In a medical induction a synthetic version of oxytocin is often used. The synthetic version of oxytocin causes fluid retention and studies have shown less optimal breastfeeding outcomes and an increase in postpartum hemorrhage.

It is important to know reflexology only works when the baby is ready to come. If the baby isn't ready, it won't come.

Along with relief from common pregnancy complaints a reflexology treatment is a safe, non-invasive, incredibly relaxing, rejuvenating experience at a time when your body is going through amazing changes. Appointments can be booked online.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Your overlooked, hard working feet

Reflexology is a great treat for your often under-appreciated feet while bringing total body relaxation, balancing of all body's internal and external systems and improving circulation.

A session is 60 minutes.  Easy online booking is available.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Reflexology and children

Reflexology benefits children and parents

Babies are especially responsive to reflexology. Many mothers will instinctively rub their children’s feet and hands when their child is cranky, crying, or uncomfortable.

Babies' feet have undeveloped arches, and their skin and bones are usually fairly soft making reflexology an effective and fast modality for babies. Results are often experienced immediately.

Reflexology is of valuable help for:

Sleep disturbances
Difficulty to relax

Reflexology with children can begin at birth and is a valuable tool for parents to dissipate their children’s stresses in a nurturing way in five minutes.  It is fast and rewarding.

Monday, July 28, 2014

What is a doula?

What is a doula and why do I need one?

A doula brings her knowledge of childbirth and supports both the labouring mom and her partner through this miraculous moment.  It should be a wonderful experience, after all it is your baby’s first birth day and journey into world, it is the birth of a family, it is a day you will relive over and over again, and therefore it is crucial you feel comfortable with every member of your support team.

A doula helps by spending time with you prenatally to determine where your strengths and weakness lie.  She helps magnify those strengths and overcome the weaknesses.  She can help put purpose to each change you are experiencing and be a source of knowledge to call upon when you or your partner are unsure.  A doula is an emotional, physical and knowledgeable care provider who provides support to you and your birth partner prenatally, throughout the birth and in the initial postpartum periodShe is a continuous and familiar presence there to support you in whatever decision you make.

Documented benefits include
Prenatally – better prepared, informed, supported, less inductions
Birth – shorter labours, less interventions (epidurals, narcotics, cesarean sections, vacuum/forceps deliveries)
Postpartum – less Postpartum depression, easier time breastfeeding, and prolonged breastfeeding (bringing numerous health benefits to both mom and baby), healthier babies, more confidence as parent, better bonding, more time spent with babies, feel partners more supportive, feel better about coping during birth.

Many things are done to both mom and baby because they are routine, however research does not always support that they are safe practices.  A doula helps her clients gain solid perspectives so they can therefore give informed consent.  Parental responsibility begins from the moment of conception.  Every woman and her baby are unique and a one-size fits all approach should not be used.  By having a doula at your birth both partners feel in control, and empowered.  When you participate in all decisions regarding your care you will feel better about your birth regardless of the outcome and more confident in your parenting abilities.  A doula is hired by you and works for you.  She is a source of knowledge both prenatally, during the birth and in the postpartum period, and a bug in your ear, helping you advocate for you and your new family.

When the body is relaxed labour will be faster and more comfortable.  The comfort measures your doula will teach you are not labour specific; they are important techniques for everyday use.  Having a doula at your birth takes pressure of both partners so they can participate without having to over think things, she is there to take care of both partner’s, reminding mom when to change positions, empty her bladder and feed the birth partner.  She has no other role therefore she is strictly devoted to you, a calm and supportive presence.

To learn more please contact:

Michelle Haché
Birth Beginnings

Friday, July 25, 2014

Pregnancy Reflexology

Reflexology is generally considered to be safe in pregnancy and can be given at any stage of pregnancy, although the earlier the treatments start the more effective they can be.

Reflexology experienced during pregnancy can:

  • Promote and support a pregnancy
  • Provide relief from pregnancy related conditions and discomforts
  • Assist in a natural birth
  • Shorten labour time
  • Improve recovery post birth
  • Support good breastfeeding
  • Help with postnatal depression
Reflexology can provide relief from many pregnancy discomforts such as nausea, backache, constipation, symphysis pubis dysfunction, high or low blood pressure, fatigue, headaches and many more.

The link between a mother's health and her unborn child's health is becoming increasing well known.  Reflexology can help the mother achieve her best potential health and consequently assist the health of her baby.

Reflexology can assist in ensuring a natural birth by preparing the body for labour and facilitating the birth process, including priming labour and turning a breech baby.  Research studies have shown that women who receive regular reflexology during pregnancy have better pregnancies and shorter labour with less intervention. (Motha, Dr G. 1994 The Magic of Reflexology in pregnancy Reflexions - The journal of the Associations of Reflexologists.)

Reflexology can promote a speedy recovery after the birth and establish good breastfeeding.  Chinese research has shown that reflexology makes women lactate earlier and more satisfactorily.  Reflexology can also be very beneficial in helping to cope with and recover from postpartum depression.  These positive postnatal effects can benefit a mom who has given birth by cesarean.

The session will balance the entire body with additional gentle working of the reproductive organs and endocrine system reflexes using linking, balancing movements.  Relevant pregnancy complaints will be treated throughout the session as well as extensive work on the lymphatic system to assist with any swelling and fluid retention.

A reflexology treatment is generally an incredibly relaxing experience at a time when a mother's body is going through amazing changes and stresses.  It is immensely beneficial, and wonderful rejuvenating.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Postpartum recovery with reflexology

A new baby is born full of potential and with that the woman’s role changes as her body, mind and spirit adapts to the dynamic role of motherhood.

For many women it is a natural thing.  Her body recovers on its own without any advice. From the very moment the child is born, her uterus begins to shrink rapidly; giving birth to the placenta and her hormones begin to shift as her body starts a very dramatic and quick process of recovery and preparation for her unique role as a mother.

Nine months of expectations, dreams, as silent and intuitive dialog between the mother and her child has reached their end. It seems natural that she should be happy, euphoric and satisfied with herself.

Yet many mothers exhibit signs of a phenomenon called Baby Blues or Postpartum Mood disorders, sometimes she cries without any apparent reason, feels lonely, melancholic and in some cases, even depressed.

Just as they say “A happy wife makes for a happy life” the same adage applies to motherhood.  In order to better attend the needs of the baby, it would be better for the mother to be relaxed and restore the natural balance she enjoyed before the pregnancy. This is the time in which the touch therapies become not only necessary, but powerfully enhancing.

Reflexology is a restoring and balancing therapy that is also wonderfully pampering. A reflexology session is an excellent reason and an excuse to relax. 
Reflexology is highly recommended to the recent mother for:

· Deep relaxation
· Relief from swelling and edema
· Balancing hormones
· Reducing tension and anxiety
· Better breastfeeding - assisting in milk production and supply
· Relief from aching joints
· Recovery from cesarean birth
· Help processing medications given during the birth
· Backache
· Constipation
· Fatigue
· Perineal pain (due to painful episiotomy)
· Postpartum Mood Disorders
· Urination difficulties and pain

And as a touch therapy, giving support and warmth to somebody that really deserves it.  Online booking is available for your convenience, and babies are welcome to join you during your session.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

How Reflexology can Help Fibromyalgia Sufferers

In one study of 10 fibromyalgia sufferers who had reflexology treatments twice weekly for five weeks, every participant reported definite improvement in their symptoms, with no side-effects.

Fibromyalgia sufferers who have undergone regular reflexology treatments report improvement in:

Mental clarity
Irritable bowel syndrome
Sleep disorders
Myofascial pain
Tender point pain

Many continue to get the treatments because it was successful at relieving their pain and giving them energy. It is beneficial as a tool for relaxation and stress relief, as well as improving circulation, relieving pain, and enhancing immune and nervous system function.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Reflexology is much more than a foot massage

What are the differences/similarities between Reflexology and Massage?

Some people think Reflexology is just a glorious 60 minute foot massage and are unclear what the differences are between reflexology and massage. They are two different modalities each with its own strengths.

Reflexology is applied to specific areas (usually the feet) to heal the parts of the body, which cannot be touched from the outside by manipulating pressure points. This technique is similar to acupuncture and acupressure.

Only the footwear needs to come off, only the feet and lower legs are touched.
Massage is the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, the muscles, tendons and ligaments.  It may be applied to the whole body or specific parts.

It is preferred that most clothing be removed since skin to skin contact is best. 
The reflexologist uses small muscle movements primarily thumbs and fingers.
The massage therapist uses large muscle movement. Hands (either opened or closed) and sometimes arms and elbows
The purpose is to improve the function of organs and glands, and all systems of the body.

Works with the function of the body.
The purpose is to work with the structure of the body to primarily change the soft tissue directly stimulated for a mechanical effect or to create a reflex effect mediated by the nervous system.
Reflexology brings total body relaxation leading to the balancing of all internal and external body systems; improving circulation by stimulating the nervous and energy systems.
Depending on the type and location of the application, massage can have an effect on most major systems of the body including the cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular and nervous.

Reflexology opens and clears neural pathways as well as interrupting the pain pathways making it beneficial for many forms of pain.  It also stimulates the lymphatic system therefore reducing the risk of infection; cleansing the body of toxins and stimulating the production of endorphins which leads to an improved immune system and sense of wellbeing.

Both reflexology and massage are beneficial for all ages.  Babies are very responsive to both modalities.  Both offer a natural, low cost option to offsetting the effects of stress on your overall health and research tells us 80% or more of diseases are stress related.  The aim of both massage and reflexology is to enhance the wellbeing of the client. 

A regular program of massage and/or reflexology will put you in touch with your body, teaching you to monitor its signal and needs.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Reflexology for Diabetics

Diabetics should be strongly advocating for regular reflexology sessions to be included in their treatment options. Reflexology enhances circulation, moods, and improves levels of fatigue. As well reflexologists work on the feet which are often areas severely impacted by diabetes.

As well as the profoundly relaxing experience of having a treatment from a professional reflexologist, you can also use hand reflexology in between sessions in order to enhance your wellbeing.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Reflexology and cancer

Reflexology and cancer

Studies show that reflexology benefits for cancer patients in improving the physical and emotional symptoms of their cancer experience. 

Both a single session and a series of reflexology sessions have been shown to achieve positive results in cancer care ranging from chemotherapy to symptom management and post-operative to palliative care.  Research demonstrates a high level of effectiveness at alleviating pain, easing nausea, and reducing anxiety with a single session.  Improved sleep and quality of life as well as the outcomes listed above are benefits noted from a series of sessions.  

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Can reflexology help overcome infertility?

Can reflexology help overcome infertility?
Reflexology has been found beneficial in treating hormonal imbalances in both men and women as well as assisting in stress relief which can disrupt the production of hormones that affect ovulation, implantation conditions and sperm quality.

Clients often report feeling 100% more positive, relaxed, sleep better, have improved sex drive, more regular cycles, better menstrual flow, less pain and a percentage of women have successfully conceived within a course of treatment.

For many women the stress and anxiety attached to failing to conceive can be overwhelming and the treatment can help them fell more positive, relaxed and deal with their fertility issues in a more positive manner.

Reflexology is holistic, working towards bringing the body into a state of balance, encouraging the body's systems to work to their optimum.  It is not a magic cure-all, and cannot guarantee a pregnancy, however, by encouraging the body to work more efficiently it can create a healthier environment for possible pregnancy to occur.

A course of treatment involves weekly one-hour sessions for approximately six to eight weeks.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

10 reasons reflexology is awesome

10 reasons why you should make reflexology a consistent part of your life

1. Stress relief and relaxation - “relaxation is not a treat, it is necessary for your physical and emotional health,” Jennifer Louden from The Woman’s Comfort Book: A Self-Nurturing Guide for Restoring Balance in Your Life.

2. Better digestion

3. Treat for your feet - Our feet do so much for us, why not treat them to a little TLC, your whole body will thank you.

4. Improved nerve function therefore reducing pain

5. Help with chronic and acute disorders 

6. Improved circulation - Did you know that many health problems occur due to congested blood flow? For example, poor blood flow to your intestines can cause indigestion. What reflexology does, aside from identifying which parts of your body may be in need of help, is to stimulate blood flow in those problem areas, unblocking the path and eliminating any toxic build up that might have occurred.

7. Improved immune function

8. Taking time for yourself – When we take the time for self-nurturing activities, our mind and body finally relaxes. We find our centre, our mind clears, our emotions calm, and our soul expands.

9. Better sleep

10. Mental health –Reflexology increases relaxation levels, decreases anxiety levels and clients notice more positive and fulfilling emotions.